Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Access Information on Events (Unit 1): Sources of Information

Source current event industry information and use this in day-to-day activities to maximise effective performance.
 List 5 different sources of information where you can find current event industry information. Briefly discuss why you have selected those particular 5 sources.

1. Books/Magazines

Published sources of information such as books and magazines are useful for many reasons. Books may have more reliable information then say the internet and the resources has been checked before published. While magazines are always keeping up with the latest trends and usually covering the latest gossip related to events. Hence, why magazines/books are a physical resource they you can carry around while on the job and use for inspiration.

2. Internet (Websites/Blogs)


The internet can be access almost anywhere these days and there are some brilliant blogs just dedicated events management shared with the public by successful event businesses. There is also general websites that inform you of terms, ethics, laws and the latest industry trends. The internet is overall a great resource of information as it is constantly getting new details on the industry via the news, social media platforms, bloggers and from events management gurus themselves.

3. Event courses/seminars

Events courses and seminars are designed to cover the desired topics to help anyone interested in Events management. The courses explains to the students what it takes to work in the industry including being organised, creative, research and having great attention to detail. Therefore, events courses help individuals practically prepare for working in the industry and provide the information they need.

4. Work Colleagues

One of the great things about working in events management is the people and that includes your work colleagues. Think about it-those who have plenty of experience and knowledge of industry can share it. They can also assist with pointing out any flaws in your plan because criticism can help us improve.

5. Personal Observations

Sometimes the best resource is yourself. Take a step back and observe events you attend. Then take some pointers from what others have done. For example, how food is served, tickets distribution or table organisation.

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