Friday, May 30, 2014

Use Business Tech (unit 2): Basic Maintenance

Provide 3 examples of routine maintenance procedures. 

 1. Sending in product reports to the companies to inform them of any faults that you may have.

 2. Inhouse cleaning
 3. Checking on equipment regularly

Provide 5 examples of how basic maintenance can enhance office equipment.

1. By identifying any faults you can prevent more issues and keep the equipment in-check.

2. Troubleshooting; you can keep up to date with any programs when you check for problems. (Sometimes technical problems occur when you ignore updates).

3. Keeping your office organised and clean to avoid any hazards or damage to equipment. This means enhancing the usage and your work space.

4. Checking power or electrical connects can help prevent further damage to wiring or worse, cause the electronic to stop working completely.

5. Up date your personal knowledge about the equipment and your skills. This will help make sure your equipment is being used appropriately and provide better quality.

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