Friday, May 30, 2014

Use Business Tech (Unit 2): Access, retrieval & Storage

Provide examples of the following:

- How to correctly identify and open files. 

- Legal and organisational policies, guidelines and requirements including back-up, virus protection, file naming and storage conventions. 

Back up files onto an external hard drive:

Virus Protection:

Change File names:

- How to locate data in a computer. 

- How to log-on a computer. 

- How to follow manufacturers guidelines for equipment use. 
Laptop Ergnomics:
- Follow OHS polices, procedures and programs. 

- How to save and close files on a computer. 

- How to store data appropriately in directories, sib-directories, CD ROM's, hard drives and back-up systems. 
Backing up data:


- Understands basic technical terminology in relation to reading help files and manuals.

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